Best Price VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight - Stun Guns

Best Price VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight

Best Price VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight Specification & Features Product Name: VIPERTEK PINK Mini Stun Gun VTS-...

VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight

Best Price VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: VIPERTEK PINK Mini Stun Gun VTS-880 60 Million Volt Rechargeable LED Flashlight
  • Brand: Vipertek
  • Color: Pink

  • Extremely Powerful The VIPERTEK VTS-880 is the Original Mini Stun Gun. Don't settle for weak, inferior knockoffs!
  • 4 Prongs and 2 Spikes For Double Shocking and Penetrating Power Mini Size, Conceals Easily - Only 4-1/4" tall, 2 1/8" wide and 1" thick - Slips easily into a pocket or purse.
  • Built in LED Flashlight & Built in Charger Rechargeable Battery - No expensive batteries to buy
  • Safety switch prevents accidental discharges Lifetime Warranty

A Stun Gun is an electrical selfdefense device that uses high voltage to stop an attacker. Touching a person with the prongs on the Stun Gun quickly immobilizes the attacker. However because the amperage is very low no serious or permanent injury is inflicted. Stun Guns are designed to key into the nervous system. They dump their energy into the muscles at a different frequency than the pulse waves emanating from the brain. The pulse waves coming from the brain and those from the stun gun collid...

Comments List

  • VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight Reviews:

    Arrived quickly, very well packaged, nice product. Personally, I have not quite understood what the purpose was the small wood shim, it seems to me to determine the difference between "high" when screwing but in my case it shifted to 2 or 3 millimetre at each level and was no longer going to the final. I simply aligned each floor on the hole pre drilled. I have placed two side-by-side on a tile immitation aged wood, wall, stones parrement yellow, guaranteed effect: it is superb. fast delivery for a prduit of germany, the only complaint is when there's an outage, it is necessary to alter the setting. Otherwise corresponds to my expectationThis cellar seems to me very well for the moment. The temperature is modulated as a function of the height. It is very quietBeautiful and practical, but there are 36 screws so a screw gun is recommended. Otherwise ze prepare for a good hour of work. easy to assemble, strong enough, to support the weight of all the bottles even completely filled. thus to recommend, not too tiltedThis cave appears to be consistent and of good quality construction. The performance cannot be judged after 24 hours. However I have chosen - "The delivery in the room of your choice with making an appointment immediately. A calendar automatically updated at the time of ordering you will select your day of delivery without the wait". Then, it was delivered four days before the date anticipated when the location was not ready and when I was absent.
  • Cheap VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight:

    Therefore, truck drivers have left in the middle of the garage and it was up to me to install it after you have cleared the place.. great product, missing a lock at the door for it to be parfaitla delivery leaves to be desired, however, the drivers did not usually deliver individualsA wine shelf really the most beautiful effect! Everyone admires him! Unless it is my own bottles? ! Very good investment Q/P. Installation very easy, thanks to templates spacing. The aspect set is very aesthetic. The bottles are inclined toward the cap. However, you can't store champagne bottles. Ideal for a small apartment with a capacity of 12 bottle classic. It is also possible to put the magnums in removing some shelves. The use and the temperature adjustment is very easy and precise, the wine will be well preserved. The keys are self-explanatory. I very much appreciate the button to turn on a blue light inside. The cleaning is done quickly and easily with a damp sponge. I cleaned the front desk to make from a plastic-like odor a little strong. Noise level, there is 25 db of announced. I don't know the noise level of my mini fridge, but this is pretty much the same thing. It was just barely noticeable but I did not flush. It is likely to be more noisy when it is set. Very difficult to remove the bottles of wine, the shelves are impossible to shoot every time it is a crisis of nerve. If not aesthetic, not too noisy (much less than the fridge), adheres to the set temperatures. A pity that it is this problem of rack.
  • Cheap VIPERTEK PINK Mini:

    The wine cellar is elegant, functional, of very good quality (flakes of wood), easy put use. It is a rexcellent quality/price ratio.. The seal wine keeps it efficiently cool a bottle out of the fridge. The pump and two end-caps are also very practical and their use allows actually to keep the aromas of the wine longer than if we did not withdraw the air from its container. When the corkscrew, its plastic blades seem a little fragile but for the moment, he made his evidence. Remains to be seen if it will prove to be more solid than it looks at first. Anyway, this box set gathers together everything you may need for your wine. Fast delivery and easy assembly, even for the do-it-yourselfers Sunday. By cons, a small cracking one of the shelves during assembly. Not suitable for bottles style magnum. When opening the wood smelled the chemical, but besides that the installation was more than simple compared to other people who have found ca lasts and yet I am a handyman of Sunday morning. solid, pretty, do not take place, this purchase is excellent, I mounted it in 30min, I recommend it absolutely! keeps in a cool bottle for 3 hours.
  • Best Buy VIPERTEK PINK Mini:

    The vacuum pump allows you to keep an opened bottle for a very long time.. wine cellar, corresponding very well to what I was looking for. The only negative point is the display of the temperature, it is approximate. Fits very well in the kitchen, very beautiful look. Offered to several members of my family as a gift for Christmas, this gift set is perfect. THE corkscrew works wonderfully well, the pump is perfect. Super! The cave is beautiful and practical but far too noisy, the fan goes off every 2 minutesI bought two. They are now side by side, fixed between them through the shims provided and, of course, fixed to the wall ; it is nickel. very beautiful shelf. you need a electric screwdriver to mount it. no manual, but it's still easy to understand without. wine cellar with good capacity, full door as to not deteriorate the wine. A number of shelves enough. It is a pity that the shelves are not sliding for more practicality. There is a lack of internal display (humidity, temperature, etc.) Fast delivery and well packaged, but the device broke down after 2 weeks. The cooling system seems to be toast, despite the respect of the instructions for use and installation. I have a big doubt on the reliability and the quality of this device... Very good report quality price. Can be used as a small cave or mini bar by adjusting the temperature.
  • On Sale VIPERTEK PINK Mini:

    It is skilful! very nice, but not easy to assemble without instructions :-(and problem of a bar too short, so locker wobbly. otherwise nothing to report. after a first bad experience (1st defective item) pretty happy with this wine cellar. Integrates well in the kitchen by her beautiful desing. Cons a little noisy. we are happy with this purchase, very nice, only the storage of the bottles is not simple. we regret that there have no hydrometer on the inside. Nice wine cellar, good quality, shelves nice. A little bit noisy all the same when it sets out to regulate the temperature. Purchase good overall. She is gorgeous. It is in the living room and would perfectly its place. It is a very elegant, practical and easy to use. Just plug in the socket and press the buttons to adjust the temperature. In addition, it has a label of low energy consumption. The bottom compartment is ideal for champagnes and white wines. The compartment of aging for my best bottles of red... Even a positive point, which is not indicated in the offer: it closes a key (supplied with 2 keys). Finally, it is not noisy at all. It does sound old refrigerator... One of my best purchases in recent years. I offered this shelf for my son and he was thrilled.
  • VIPERTEK PINK Mini Reviews:

    Holds well to the ground, I was a little scared because it had already broken bottles with a shelf in iron. In addition to a good price.. Wine cellar, refrigerated, good design. Energy efficient and pretty quiet, its footprint is fairly small which allows him to find a small corner fairly easily. Use ultra-simple, very beautiful design, which can be granted in most modern kitchens. The different shelves can be removed if need be, this allows to modulate easily the space inside. The feet are adjustable, perfect for a floor is a bit rickety. The report quality price seems good, the set looks good, it is effective. A good article! Before you buy a product from this brand you should know that a wine cellar for Vinilux does not last more than 4 years, it is the case of mine, which is no longer cold! In addition, it is impossible to communicate with the manufacturer who does not respond to emails. Even the postal mail does not reach its destination: they are returned with the mention "unknown". So be careful....



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Stun Guns: Best Price VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight
Best Price VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight
Stun Guns
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