No-Risk To Check VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight - Stun Guns

No-Risk To Check VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight

No-Risk To Check VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight Specification & Features Product Name: VIPERTEK Mini Stun Gun VTS...

VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight

No-Risk To Check VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: VIPERTEK Mini Stun Gun VTS-880 60 Million Volt Rechargeable LED Flashlight
  • Brand: Vipertek
  • Color: Black

  • Extremely Powerful
  • The VIPERTEK VTS-880 is the Original Mini Stun Gun. Don't settle for weak, inferior knockoffs!
  • 4 Prongs and 2 Spikes For Double Shocking and Penetrating Power
  • Mini Size, Conceals Easily - Only 4-1/4" tall, 2 1/8" wide and 1" thick - Slips easily into a pocket or purse.
  • Built in LED Flashlight & Built in Charger

Rechargeable Battery No expensive batteries to buy Safety switch prevents accidental discharges Lifetime Warranty A Stun Gun is an electrical selfdefense device that uses high voltage to stop an attacker. Touching a person with the prongs on the Stun Gun quickly immobilizes the attacker. However because the amperage is very low no serious or permanent injury is inflicted. Stun Guns are designed to key into the nervous system. They dump their energy into the muscles at a different frequency th...

Comments List

  • VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight Reviews:

    So yes, the displacement in the diagonal are not taken into account, but for the price we will not quibble. Works very well. Good game. The minifigures are great. The story mode is a little disappointing because to capture enemies, you need to wait to have them beaten. This Skylanders looks like a can too Pokemon. sold with its hull in silcone, and the button of synchronization is even accessible without removing neither the hull nor the valve stacks. only black spot : no nunchuk official of the same color.... I ordered two nunchuck, one worked perfectly, but not the second. After a mail to the seller, everything is back in order. He does not write very well English but we understand his politeness and concern for customer satisfaction. He has not sought further and has sent me a few days later a new product. It works perfectly. Considering the price, I know that this is not the quality Nintendo but for the time being it works. I recommend this product and this seller. what if this is that the game is excellent.
  • Cheap VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight:

    the gameplay is perfect, battery life is very correct if one seeks all the star coins and if you finish the game at 100%, a game to have absolutely! A purchase to replace the sensor bar original from which the power wire had been cut in half by my cat. I have not yet tested the wireless mode.. Tré good products but if you do not have taken YUV if your Tv you will need to buy a converter YUV to HDMII recommend this game to all those who love to move. Many of the dances with music that is very modern. Only there are many dances that you should download. Brief to counselReceived quickly and condition was niquel no worries. It is a Zelda therefore a pledge of quality! (as usual the beginning is a bit goofy and long), but once launched into the adventure you get the best value for your money! and your time as the game is 25 to 30 hours of game play minimum, in a straight line... A good investment especially in the promo.. My girls of 12 and 14 years old love it. A good time spending physical to be shared between sisters, neighbors, or girlfriends. Awesome to train at home (with a minimum of motivation) when for example one has a baby and no time to go to the bathroom...
  • Cheap VIPERTEK Mini Stun:

    I didn't know about zumba but I can say that it makes a good sweat: hello cardio! And above all, it is very varied: between salsa, samba, dance, hip hop, caipirinha, tango, and even bollywood, among others, I love it! In addition, it is not very difficult to earn stars for each course and it is rather motivating, even if it's not too much movement at the beginning. You can also choose between a course short, medium or long and choose the difficulty of it. We recommend it as a sport living room :). Bought 6 months ago, works perfectly so far, loading indicators very practical. No worry with the battery life. compare to the first game, I found the choreography and the music less as welli think is a pity, too, that we do voye more if one makes the same movement as the choreographer. by against + the çi, is that at the end of each choreography you can see the calories bruléesles sets and the profs are more realisticNothing to say, my kids have fun like crazy, the lounge becomes a nightclub. push the tables is learn the choreography to your favorite songs. Great, done perfectly and at an excellent cost!!! As convenient as the other controllers, which are much more expensive! good little jeupour know him before, I always like to autanten before for different difficulties according to the levels. I have not finished yet but it gets quickly to the dynamic of rayman!!! Arrived as on the picture very pretty pink color.
  • Best Buy VIPERTEK Mini Stun:

    Despite some small bugs of sync with other Wii console the controller works well.. Quite difficult to wield the wii remote without the wheel. I would without doubt Mariokart on nintendo! Disappointed of this game that I paraisssait awesome at first. Really fun and nice. I was skeptical but if you do not feel comfortable in a gym it really is a good compromise and it helps to maintain a good mooddisappointed because it never worked.... I do not recommend this product... unless you want to use pr deco.... but even pr deco, c not the top! No difference with the original. For the price, this is perfect! In addition, the image quality has nothing to do in comparison with a scart cable. this game is very interesting. It is super fun to play and the handling of the command is correct. My kids love this game and my husband and I also. It uses the same principle as on the ds with more things. Really well. Very well received, I'm really not disappointed with the product I recommend it to all really thank you to you perfectit took a relaunch for the product to be shipped : received after the scheduled date ; the wait was too long even if the game is bienmême financially, the transaction has not been substantial (€1 less than in a store such as Carrefour!) This game is awesome and very addictive. The rabbids are no longer in the mini-games, now a big adventure!!! It's a great game!!! :) this is not yet the time to unpack; He must wait a little because it must first pass under the Christmas treeA wide variety of games available. The whole family can enjoy the Sports Resort. I recommend it because it is a classic that is unanimous..
  • On Sale VIPERTEK Mini Stun:

    . It is a game really well. Allows you to sweat. The fun of it. Has more and for all age. The choreographies are many. There are tastes for everythingthis product has been offered for christmas, every time I go to see the one who received it, he is playing with. therefore I deduce that he is very happy with the product. Huge game too cool I have the other just dance and it's broke always the same. Here is what nothing moreLogin perfect for a good" start-up" and can easily learn the Wii. Simple to use and user-friendlyPurchase all recent, but the base seems solid, it connects to the back of the wii (on a special port). I can use it with batteries from another model. Very good purchase that I recommend. Everything is very, very well : delivery, quality, product life, packaging. You should not hesitateBig fan of the series, C. O. D. on the PC, I have let myself be tempted by a console version on the WII (admittedly not the best, but I don't have that one there) to test this before last opus of the saga. Big disappointment. Graphics ultra average (but I expected) and the gameplay almost non-existent. At the same time I did in the hand than the wiimote with the nunchunck, ideal for you to catch a lot of sea in less than two.
  • VIPERTEK Mini Stun Reviews:

    I recognize that this is far from the top, but I prefer 1000 times better my keyboard and my mouse for this kind of games. Remains to provide me with a Wii classic last hope for this achatne not become useless. Regarding the speed of shipment and the description of the object, no problem, however the cover was dirty and a little sticky, damage, even if it is a product of a small "cleaning" is always appreciated when we receive an object.. I bought it three months ago now and I can't do in the past! In effect, he became my "little ritual"good night". I had purchased to lose weight and this is a big success! An hour of Wii fit Plus every night after eating and in three months almost 10 kg of weight lost as well as 10 cm of thigh circumference. Me who is not following a great sportsman, I am thrilled! I highly recommend it! super!!! really ideal to relax!! alone or accompanied you will have fun!!!! I council strongly this game at allJust what I expected and matches my wishes!!!!!! of the dance sport but very attractive, varied and in tune with the timesvery good product, fast delivery. nothing to object to. I recommend this merchant and this product. the delivery was more than fast (about 2 days of waiting). Like all the other "just dance", it is perfect to have fun while dancing, alone or with others. Choice of music varied enough.



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Stun Guns: No-Risk To Check VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight
No-Risk To Check VIPERTEK VTS-880 Million Rechargeable Flashlight
Stun Guns
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